Hotel Rating

Hotel rating

Short description

The classification of main touristic accommodation (hotel units and organized tourist camps) into star categories is a system for the quality of each accommodation, depending on its services and technical specifications. Each accommodation is required under the applicable legislative framework to be classified in one of the categories, provided that it meets the specifications and meets the number of points necessary for classification in that category, based on optional criteria.

 Detailed description

  • The legislative framework for classifying the main touristic accommodation (hotel units and organized tourist camps) into star categories requires a procedure with specifications, specific steps and deadlines.
  • The body for issuing hotel unit classification certificates is the Hellenic Hotel Chamber (SNE), through accredited Audit and Inspection Bodies (SLC), which undertakes the inspection and evaluation procedures for their classification into star categories. These bodies, such as TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS, are preparing a Technical Report, which is then submitted to the FFSE after the inspection of the accommodation.
  • In this report, the organization shall document its suggestion to the FFSE for the issue of the accommodation classification certificate by issuing a Certificate of Assistance.
  • The classification system for the main tourist accommodation (hotels and organized tourist camps) includes technical and functional specifications, as well as the criteria for services, equipment-logistics, amenities and supplies (material of services).

The main tourist accommodation must be classified in five star classes, with a maximum of five stars and a minimum of one star.

What is the certification procedure?

If the business has an ESA (Special Operating Signal), the steps are as follows:

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Time Constraints

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To which bodies and businesses is it addressed?

The classification procedure of star categories is for all hotel and other touristic business, whether new units, or existing ones wishing to renew, modify or upgrade the ESA.

What are the benefits of certification?

This procedure shall:

  • serves as evidence of the quality of the products and services offered
  • increases confidence in the guest in meeting agreed requirements under the current legislative framework

  • triggers attracting new customers and starting new partnerships
  • improves the business environment and create standard’s equal to the other European countries, which have already been applying similar procedures and frameworks for years, having now acquired a competitive advantage
  • is becoming a tool for improving and upgrading services by enabling Greek tourism entrepreneurs to better organize their “product”, renew it, modernize it and eventually upgrade it. In fact, it means upgrading quality, greater security, ensuring quality infrastructure, less bureaucracy, more transparency, thus providing all the guarantees for sustainable and sustainable development

Our consultancy  to assess touristic accommodation in accordance with the 

legislation in force:

 classifies the business into categories of stars and keys  

  •  brings added value to the tourist business through the credibility and strength that reflects its name and brand (brand name)
  •  provides the possibility to use a Rating Mark, which marks the differentiation, validity and quality of the evaluation process
  •  offers tourism business the opportunity to provide integrated one stop shop solution by providing accredited inspection, certification and training services to  meet their needs and ensure their activities